
New Jersey

Bio: I am a hospice nurse who has been writing spiritually inspired books for the past seven years. I have written a children's book called "Little Star" which is available in ebook format http://www.amazon.com/Little-Star-Phyllis-Higgins-ebook/dp/B00BOEHUS6. I am currently writing a novel on spiritual love and the afterlife and looking for a publisher. It is my deepest wish to help with the transition from this world to the next whether it be through my work in hospice or through my written words. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you have.

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6 Responses to About

  1. Anne Graziano says:

    Just found your blog and can’t stop reading…God has blessed me with hearing from you…thank you …you have a gift worth sharing and you know it!!!

  2. Marie Star,eh says:

    I came across you’re comment on JamesVan Prague Facebook page, I was a volunteer with Palliative Care, so reading you’re blog inspired me. Thank you, love and Blessings.

  3. Lina says:

    Hello Angelnurse, I just came across your website through Lorna Bryne on FB. I read all of your recent posts and can’t stop reading them! I love Angels and am intrigued of the afterlife. You are a blessing to those in your care in their last moments. I look forward to reading all of your posts and I hope your book gets published!


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